Ever Wonder What Happens to the Grape Skins after Harvesting?
Last month we told you all about the harvesting process that happens in late summer or early fall. But have you ever wondered what happens to the grape skins after de-stemming and pressing? Here at Winegarden nothing is getting wasted. One of our products is made by distilling the pomace (blend of grape seeds, grape skins, stalks and stems) leftover from the grape pressing process. The end product is not light by any means, on average, it contains 35% to 60 % alc./vol.
Grappa is a uniquely traditional Italian drink, and its name can legally only be used if produced in Italy. Here at Winegarden we follow the traditional Grappa production process and our product is named Grape Eau-de-Vie. It sells for $25.00 for 750 ml /bottle 38% alc./vol. here at the winery.
Grape Eau de Vie
At Winegarden, our original or so-called Signature Product is Johnny Ziegler Apple Schnaps.
Each country has a traditional spirit such as Grappa in Italy, Ouzo in Greece, Aquavit in Scandinavia, Cognac in France, Whisky in Scotland and Schnaps in Germany.
Over time, our Eau-de-Vie (Schnaps) selection has increased to 15 different products. What is a Eau-de-Vie ? The translation for Eau-de-Vie is “Water of Life”, it is a clear fruit distillate, that is produced by means of fermentation and distilling fruit other than grape. The fruit flavor is typically very light but with a nice aroma on the nose and a warm finish. More recently, Steffen Rosswog, our distiller here at Winegarden, added Eau-de-Vie s such as Anise, Fennel and Juniper to our product selection. He also enrolled some of them in spirit competitions and received numerous awards. Congratulations Steffen!
Look at our new labels!
How to enjoy our Eau-de-Vie (Schnaps)
Each bottle contains the noble spirit of sun-ripened selected fruit from New Brunswick, which under expert supervision is fermented and carefully distilled in the traditional copper stills. Eau-de-Vie is enjoyed as a digestive at room temperature or slightly chilled. Often used in cocktails or cooking recipes.
For the approaching holiday season we recommend you try our “Not Your Mother’s Apple Pie” cocktail recipe. A delicious, hot, Spiked Apple Cider drink – Cheers !