It’s June at the Vineyard! Here’s What’s Happening Behind the Scenes at Winegarden Estate
Curious about what’s happening among the grapes this month while you’re visiting the store and sampling wines? We thought we’d share a little behind-the-scenes of what we’re up to!
Each year, the vines go through a typical cycle of growth. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, that usually means the vines are “waking up” in the spring after a cold winter, start winding down in the fall, and go dormant again over the winter months.
Of course, that’s an oversimplification and there are many stages of growth the grapes experience each year. The cycles generally look something like this:
graph via
Here in New Brunswick, we operate in a particularly cool climate - yes, even in the summers - so the cycles, though similar, are different from what you might see this month in Southern California, for example.
This month, if you see us hanging out among the vines, there’s a few key things we’re likely doing to get the grapes ready for harvesting in the fall.
Installing Wires
Did you know that grape vines can’t support their own weight? They have to be supported by posts and wires as they grow! We ensure the wires are in place before the vines need them.
Pruning Vines
Trimming the old wood off the vines promotes the growth of new wood - which is where the delicious fruit grows! We routinely go through the vines and ensure they are adequately pruned and in good condition.
Replanting Vines
Grapevines don’t produce amazing fruit forever, so eventually, when they start to fade, it makes sense to replant new vines! We are constantly ensuring that the vines we are growing produce grapes that will make quality wines and spirits.
That’s right - sometimes, the vineyard requires plain old lawn maintenance! Mowing is used to keep weeds at bay, without disrupting the soil too much.
Securing Vines
As mentioned, grape vines require a support system to hold them up as they grow. We train our vines to grow along the wires we install, and from time-to-time it’s important to double check that the vines are growing as we want. If not, we take time to properly secure them and encourage them along the wires.
Proper maintenance throughout the spring and summer months is important to not only have a successful harvest come fall, but also to ensure the integrity of the vines as they head into the dormant winter months.
Have more questions about what we’re up to in the vineyard? Ask us next time you’re in the store! We’re always happy to chat about what we’re up to, to ensure our wines continue to be of the highest quality. See you soon!