3 Tips for Storing Wine at Home

Unless you have a wine cellar or temperature-controlled fridge, storing wine at home can be tricky! Sure, you could leave it standing on the counter, but did you know factors like sunlight, and the changing kitchen temperatures from cooking can actually change the quality of the wine? It starts to become more acidic and vinegar like.

So if you’re purchasing wine that you’re not planning on drinking right away, instead of leaving it standing on the counter, follow these tips to keep it tasting fresh until you’re ready to pop that cork.

Watch the Temperature

Temperature is the most important factor when it comes to storing and keeping wine. Warm temperatures (warmer than room temperature) speed up the aging process. 12 degrees celsius is ideal, but anywhere between 8 and 18 degrees will do.

Wine will last in the fridge for no more than a few months before the cork starts to dry out, letting in air and causing oxidation.

Your best bet if you don’t have a temperature-controlled room is to store the wine in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and avoiding rooms with fluctuating temperatures (like the kitchen). Under the stairs, an old cupboard that’s not in the kitchen, or a cool, damp basement will usually do the trick.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Once you’ve found a great spot temperature-wise, ensure no direct sunlight is hitting the bottles. Light, like warm temperatures, can cause premature aging – this is why we use coloured bottles for wine! Typical light bulbs in your home won’t cause too much damage, but avoid fluorescent bulbs.

Horizontal vs. Vertical Storage

Have you ever wondered why wine bottles are always stored horizontally, or on their sides? It’s to keep wine against the cork, which keeps it from drying out. But if you’re planning on drinking the wine within the next couple years, or the bottle has a screw cap, then you can store it standing upright, too.

If you’re planning to store wine long-term, and possibly start a collection of your own, you may want to invest in a professional wine cellar that can keep the temperature at a perfectly consistent temperature and humidity level, and help preserve your wines for many years to come.

Questions about how to store wine? Send us a message or ask when you place your next order, we’re always happy to help!


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