Tips For Enjoying Your First Wine Tasting

If you’ve never been to a wine tasting before and are nervous about going for the first time, not to worry! Wine tastings are fun, casual events you can do with family and friends and no - you don’t have to spit (but you can if you prefer!). We’ve answered a few of the most common questions we get from first time wine-tasters to help you get the most out of the experience.


Do I Dress Up, or down?

Most wineries don’t have an official dress code, so you can wear anything that you feel comfortable in. Some folks like to dress up a bit, and casual-chique is the way to go! Classy jeans or shorts and a nice top is perfectly acceptable, as is a sun dress if you prefer! It doesn’t have to be fancy.


What do I Taste First?

Typically, wineries will have a set tasting menu ranging anywhere from three to six (or more!) wines. Sometimes there will be one list with a mixture of rose, whites, and reds, and other times you’ll be given the option of tasting the reds or whites. In other cases, you’ll be given a list of all available wines for tasting and are able to choose a set number from the list.

 In every case, the person pouring the wines will explain how it works at that specific winery before starting, so you’ll know exactly what to expect before the first wine is served.


What does it Cost?

It typically varies by winery. Be sure to pay attention as you’re sipping and make note of your favourites so you can pick up a bottle on your way out (but no you don’t have to buy a bottle - it’s perfectly fine to pay for the tasting and go).


How Do I Actually “Taste” The Wine?

The pourer will pour one glass at a time and tell you a bit about the wine - the flavours you can expect to taste, the history, and maybe even some personal anecdotes they have to share. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! They’re the expert and want to make sure you have a great tasting experience.

 Pick the glass up by the stem and give it a little swirl - this helps air get into the wine, similar to what a decanter would do for you at home. Give the wine a smell - can you detect the fruits and flavours the pourer mentioned?

 Take a sip but don’t swallow right away; let the wine move around your mouth briefly. Take another slow sip like this, then finish your glass. If you’re tasting a lot of wines, you can spit the wine (gracefully!) back into your glass instead of consuming it.

 Of course, don’t worry too much about the technique! Like we mentioned above, wine tastings are fun experiences, not glamorous affairs. If you want to skip the smelling and go right to drinking the wine, no one will bat an eye.

 We’d love to have you visit us for a wine tasting when we re-open again this spring. If you have any other questions that we didn’t answer here, feel free to send us a message or simply ask when you arrive. Happy Tasting!


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